Amy Loh aka阿米·羅-第一天上班就是你的生日,沒和你碰面,其他同事告訴我那位置坐著的女生叫Amy,我就在想這女生究竟長什麼樣子呢?隔天一見面,就覺得和自己的同學長得很像,因此就特別的有親切感。可惜自己是個很慢熱的人,很多時候在公司都保持沉默,很少機會和她多聊,結果直到辭職後才真的發現原來自己很不捨得這個很細心的女孩。謝謝你出現在我周圍,很開心在離開前和你一起【肩並肩】【睡在同一張床上】搞活動!【好奇怪的說法!哈哈!】要記得:我們是bunting小姐哦!很可惜,neway的那天你沒辦法出席,不過我們630再見咯!
Siong aka愛人- 這位old man…大家對他一開始的印象和我有些不同。他人都覺得這old man是個嚴肅的傢伙,可我就覺得這個人是很隨和的ok man,所以很多時候什麼東西不會的都會好大膽的問他。【可能他也會認為我是肖查某一名吧!哈哈!】當時候沒車子,都多虧這位愛人好心相送。工作上有什麼心事也會請教他,所以辭職這回事也是第一個讓他知道的。很高興認識你,也想說:【有緣感謝有你陪伴】謝謝你這個很有風度,很懂得照顧人很貼心的old man愛人。也套句話,忘了在哪裡看過了:【時間只是一個測試人的工具】有緣再見!PS:neway那晚你真的很活潑!
Chinyee aka肖查某- 這個女人!!!一說起就是想對她翻白眼!哈哈,一個很熱情的女生和我就完全不一樣,進來公司不久就好會和大夥兒聯誼。印象最深刻的莫過於她那一次靜悄悄的站在我後面,然後一句:親愛的~當下心情就是【搞什麼啊這女人~!】公司沒有你的日子,總是特別的安靜。她讓我的印象其實就是神秘感好重的一個女生,外表總是瘋瘋癲癲開開心心的,但私底下我佩服她那份【癡情】【chin yee lim,你懂我說什麼的~】送了一份手製的海綿寶寶鉛筆盒,希望你會喜歡吧!很高興認識你,和我一樣來自北部的女生,我會一直都記得你和我說過如何把強奸案變成【浪漫的一夜強姦情】,我會記得你-hold住白金姐!
Jack Liew aka 傑克liu- 我決定寫華文!哈哈。。。每次你廣的華語都會讓我們想想才明白你在廣哈密!哈哈。。。謝謝你在這段日子裡教會我很多東西,每次sales meeting都會先通知我,讓我做足準備!會很掛住你的廣東+華語的啦!要好好照顧自己,不要再欺負阿米羅和你女兒szujane啦!還有,謝謝你給我的外號-苗曾。。。哈哈!我們有機會得閒再出來喝茶【傾】compilation啦!
Angeline Aka安琦琳林- I think I write in English will more suitable for you to read. Although know you just for a couple of months, I am glad that still have that chance to become your colleague a.k.a friend. A quiet girl who always need my initiative to start our conversation, same horoscope with me and we share the same personality- keep things to ourselves. But remember, don’t ever do that anymore, just be yourself! We will meet each other very soon. No worries.
Szujane- I still remember when I was in the office on the 1st day, I was thinking that such a pretty Japanese alike girl! And the only two things that will make me think of you will be [ WOW! Fantastic Baby!] and [CUTE STUFF]. Thanks for always borrow me stationary and lend me your hand when I need help! Enjoy your London Trip, shall we meet again on 630! Xie xie ni, zai jian!
J. Fong- When I just think off Szujane is a Japanese-look-alike girl, and you appeared! A girl who look alike Korean girl! I like the way you speak in Chinese and Hongkies… Thanks a lot for always helping me to do servicing~! Glad to work with you and hope that we can work together if there any chances in the future! All da best for your life! Ciao~ C u in 630! [ just like a new kind of inflation or disease]
Carter Ng- When I was writing this note to everyone, I am thinking of that shall I write in Chinese or English, but I think I should improve my English! [What a weird… excuses] Ok, whatever. A gentle guy too and thanks for everything. And yes, Thanks for helping me send out my letter too! When I visit back to KL, will invite you out for a drink! Hehe… See you soon… remember to ganbatte for your lover swear box- RM100 GO GO!!! Our steamboat ingredient depend on you already! ^^